The spread of viruses, Trojans, worms, zombies, spyware etc. etc. etc. becomes more wily, cunning and in many cases, destructive. If you believe your computer is infected then I will expel any unwanted intruders and make sure your computer is fortified with defenses that should repel an attack from any potential cyber foe and always on the winning side in the continual battle against computer infections, spam and scams.
One of the biggest gripes I hear about from frustrated computer users is their dissatisfaction at the speed at which their computer operates. By diagnosing the reasons for your computer's sluggishness and using tweaks and tricks learned over many years, I will give your computer the shot in the arm it requires to fulfil tasks quicker and considerably less time for you to stare at hourglasses and progress bars.
Broadband and the increasing choices of how to connect to the internet increases by the year. No longer are we confined and limited to one computer, or even one room. If you are looking to Wi-Fi your home or workplace, or require assistance in improving or extending your wireless network, I can help. Also, if you are wishing to review or even change your broadband provider but need assistance, this is a service I have done frequently.
Technology has this irritating knack of developing and improving just when you think you're all cutting edge. The plethora of computer devices and hardware available can be daunting if you have decided to upgrade, or even replace your current computer. I can assist by taking what budget you wish to spend and obtaining the best option available then setting to work in fine tuning, updating and securing your computer, before delivering and setting it up at your address.
Over the years I have been asked to provide many IT services and it is simply impossible for me to list them all. Data retrieval, computer instruction, repairing faulty computer parts, creating websites, overcoming problematic Windows system errors and upgrading computers to the latest system to name just a few. If you have an IT problem or request then please just contact me and I will inform you quickly whether or not it is something I can achieve for you.
Many people are entering the world of home computers for the first time. This can be very exciting, but the ever expanding world of technology offers a baffling choice of new devices.
I operate Computer Clubs in Chelmsford providing assistance from the very basics so you understand each step and feel comfortable from the start and so helping you get the most out of your own equipment.
If you are looking to have a web presence, or just wish to obtain a personal or professional email address instead of one of the usual suspects of Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail etc. then I can design your site or configure your new email address and make sure it looks the way it should on all platforms and devices, including PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Windows computers are the best when they work right, and when they do not start properly, they become a headache and place themselves in danger of being thrown from the nearest window. If your Windows computer is plagued with error messages, updates fail to install, programs become unresponsive, or worst of all the system will not start up at all, then before you consign it to the scrap heap let me try and cure it.
To avoid the problems that can occur above your computer or laptop needs regular maintenance to keep it in tip top condition. Just like your car, which requires an annual MOT, computers and laptops also benefit from a periodic computer MOT.
Computer MOT’s are not mandatory like your car MOT but If your computer is running slow or maybe you have lots of programs that appear to have appeared from nowhere, all of these symptoms are signs that a computer service is required.
There is a difference between an operating system crash and a hard drive crash. If your Windows operating system crashes, that is a Logical Failure. If the hard drive itself malfunctions, that is a Physical failure. Either way your data is not readily accessible but more often than not it is still there. Of course, you should have a backup plan just in case but if you do not; there is still hope for your precious pictures, documents, music etc. through a data recovery solution I can provide.
01245 80614500
07940 138170
The spread of viruses, Trojans, worms, zombies, spyware etc. etc. etc. becomes more wily, cunning and in many cases, destructive. If you believe your computer is infected then I will expel any unwanted intruders and make sure your computer is fortified with defences that should repel an attack from any potential cyber foe and always on the winning side in the continual battle against computer and scams.
Many people are entering the world of home computers for the first time. This can be very exciting, but the ever expanding world of technology offers a baffling choice of new devices.
I operate Computer Clubs in Chelmsford providing assistance from the very basics so you understand each step and feel comfortable from the start and so helping you get the most out of your own equipment.
One of the biggest gripes I hear about from frustrated computer users is their dissatisfaction at the speed at which their computer operates. By diagnosing the reasons for your computer's sluggishness and using tweaks and tricks learned over many years, I will give your computer the shot in the arm it requires to fulfil tasks quicker and considerably less time for you to stare at hourglasses and progress bars.
Broadband and the increasing choices of how to connect to the internet increases by the year. No longer are we confined and limited to one computer, or even one room. If you are looking to Wi-Fi your home or workplace, or require assistance in improving or extending your wireless network, then I can help. Also, if you are wishing to review or even change your broadband provider but need assistance, this is a service I have done for numerous people.
To avoid the problems that can occur above your computer or laptop needs regular maintenance to keep it in tip top condition. Just like your car, which requires an annual MOT, computers and laptops also benefit from a periodic computer MOT.
Computer MOT’s are not mandatory like your car MOT but if your computer is running slow or maybe you have lots of programs that appear to have appeared from nowhere, all of these symptoms are signs that a computer service is required.
Windows computers are the best when they work right, and when they do not start properly, they become a headache and place themselves in danger of being thrown from the nearest window. If your Windows computer is plagued with error messages, updates fail to install, programs become unresponsive, or worst of all the system will not start up at all, then before you consign it to the scrap heap let me try and cure it.
Over the years I have been asked to provide many IT services and it is simply impossible for me to list them all. If you have an IT problem or request then please just contact me and I will inform you quickly whether or not it is something I can achieve for you.
01245 806145200
07940 138170